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It projecten

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project list about contact year number project name city country procedure status program potentia trium rome italy competition university campus master plan and multi functional university building mobilis brussels competition st prize ongoing mixed use ritcs brussels belgium competition school ostend social housing quarter ostend belgium competition social housing drie fonteinen beersel belgium invited competition masterplan extension of a brewery maison des mdias brussels belgium competition offices schuman square brussels belgium competition public space masterplan sani bologna italy competition masterplan nantes arc nantes france competition st prize ongoing mixed housing and offices learning and innovation center brussels belgium competition learning center library classrooms workshops archive cafe exhibition and auditoria museum of fine arts of tournai tournai belgium competition st prize ongoing museum mogre district montpellier montpellier france competition st prize ongoing regeneration of .

Het domein van It projecten

international trust for peace education kristof demey for international trust for peace education project recycling midland plaza cooperation mpcc purpose of the project De diversiteit van it projecten We want help to develop the general waste at midland plaza cooperation that becomes a sustainable b educational c acceptable and d improving the life of everyone who lives in this building. Once we achieve these goals over a certain timeline we will promote this to the surrounding communities companies and lgu local governmental units in the philippines known as barangays . A sustainable projects like these need to be sustainable and a good basic working line. Our goal is to generate a solid project that gives an impact for ever. To do this is it a must that everybody who lives in the building help to achieve this. B educational this project need to help educating the people who are involved in it so that they understand what it really stand for. It will be a master key.